Hello there, I’m Julie – the girl behind the lens. I’m a Cole Harbour girl, born and raised – but don’t let that scare you… I’m not really that intimidating. I live in a small house that I’ve over filled with a husband, our 4 boys and a ridiculous amount of pets (seriously, ask my mom who loves reminding me that she’s not pet sitting when i’m on vacation!) To say I love busy and chaos is an understatement. When our session runs over the allotted time, know that I adore your family, and I want to capture every second, and also I may be escaping mine. Let’s run with that.
I’ve been a photographer since 2013. I love everything about this gig! Before you get home from one of our sessions I’m likely sitting in front of my laptop gushing over the great shots we captured. I like to think I can put families at ease, as a mom of special needs children I’m totally used to anything your little ones can dish out, trust me. I’m up to date with fortnite dances, frozen soundtracks, and fart noises. I’ve got this covered! I want your family to leave the session laughing and I’ll pull out all the stops to make that happen.
Other Random things about me:
- I love to travel! I’ve been to 16 countries and counting.
- I have 2 tattoos. a dragonfly that’s faded on my foot I got when i was 18, and a Chinese symbol for Perfect on my back.
- I have a dog, 2 cats, a hedgehog, 2 hamsters and a bird.
- I don’t have road rage, I like to think the best of people and not judge if they cut me off in case they’re having an emergency.
- I love going for walks alone, that way I don’t have to pretend I’m not dying when I climb hills.
- I love BBQ anything! Give me a brisket & a beer and I’m a happy girl.
- I love bullet points.
OK, that’s enough about me! If you identify with any of this, let’s chat and book a session… or go out for drinks… or be friends… totally up to you!